Sunday, July 30, 2006
Moi mum decided for me that i should give Maki a chance to prove himself...
she asked me to call him up...
ask him to do his hair all over...
he suggested that we do it together...
and he came to pick me up...
(he came well dressed... the way i like it... cut his nails... shoes and everything)
both of us went to Jean Yip in Tampines for the hair styling and cutting and dyeing plus highlight and treatment...
(his hair is cut short... lolx... he looks younger though... =/)
ost him a bomb...
then we went to moi Aunt's house...
moi mum was already there waiting...
then moi aunt asked maki to treat me well not like b4...
then his trial begins~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 10:06:00 am__
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Met Byakuya early in the morning for the medical checkup in Tampines...
Blood Test...
Needle wound swollen...
After that Maki came...
Louise and Gavin came...
Moi Aunt and Granny (maternal side) came...
Third Meeting commences...
during the meeting i fainted like 2 times...
relapsed 1 times...
and after every faint/relapse...
i will forget what has happened...
then i got too stressed out...
i went blank...
i stared into blank space...
i kept crying...
i kept crying out bu yao (means dun wan)...
i kept shaking...
moi mum slapped me to wake me up...
Byakuya tried pinching me...
I'm not moiself...
then after like eternity i fainted...
then they used the stupid ointment again to wake me up... =/
then Maki proposed...
he asked for moi hand in Marriage...
Moi mum said that it was too fast...
so he changed it to an Engagement...
then i chupped in...
i said "no ring = dun need to say anything...)
Maki said that he would get the ring...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:54:00 am__
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Friday, July 28, 2006
I got mad during irc...
"all of you want me dead so much right?! fine then! you will see me dead!" were moi last words to Byakuya
i got offline immediately...
went back to moi seat...
took a penknife and stared at it...
moi colleague suddenly asked me to do something...
then after i finished doing it...
a phone call came...
i picked it up...
then b4 i put it down...
someone came knocking at moi office door...
its Byakuya...
he's god damn afraid that i's do something foolish...
then i went in...
then came a second knock...
it was Maki...
he too rushed over...
i was perplexed...
how did he know what i said?
Byakuya told him in irc...
then i fainted...
then i started staring into blank space...
everything they did i had no reaction...
moi colleagues came out...
brought me in...
Byakuya called moi mum...
moi mum rushed over...
and brought me out together with Byakuya and Maki...
Another Second Meeting...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 10:17:00 am__
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Maki wouldn't let go...
He came to moi house wearing the clothes he knew i would love to see him in...
i opened the door...
then the personal meeting began...
but this time it was only me and Maki there...
then i Fainted again...
then relapsed...
moi mum asked Maki to go home...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:46:00 am__
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Monday, July 24, 2006
I officially Broke up with Maki after a Meeting at his Home...
Moi mum insisted that she come along with Byakuya and me...
She's afraid that 'Something' would happen to me...
and true enough...
throughout the meeting Byakuya wasn't in the house...
half way through the meeting...
something happened...
i relapsed...
Gasping for air...
then recovered after taking relaxant (moi mum went to take it from Byakuya)...
then the meeting continued...
then i fainted due to Extreme Stress...
Byakuya came in...
he and moi mum used some stupid medical ointment to wake me up...
then i asked moi mum to leave me alone with Maki to talk...
everything went fine...
then we broke up...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:39:00 am__
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
I moved outta Maki's house...
Alot of things to Move...
Godlike Tired...
Intended to break up with Maki...
But he's not at home...
All i saw was his Dad...
Byakuya helped me moved all moi things from Woodlands to Bedok Reservoir Side...
Both of us were some sweating shit...
Thanks alot Byakuya...
<3 <3
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:35:00 am__
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Alot of things happened ytd...
godlike sad...
moi head is splitting right now...
why does moi life seem to be so sad...
Maki is angry with me...
for not being home ytd...
for not taking care of moiself...
for not staying at home...
for creating trouble...
the reason why i go out often is coz i cannot be alone in a room...
i totally cannot be left alone...
i am lost, lonely, sad...
but did maki ever noticed it?
will he?
when ever i'm at (maki's) home...
i am just some neglected shiet...
unless he wants t eat or drink something then he would remember me...
he's very absorbed into games...
nvm bah...
head dam pain...
feel like puking soon...
but seriously i dun really remember anything tt happened ytd...
except tt dir and muo told me tt i was going thru some traumatic experience...
shivering, frightened, crying, staring into cold blank space...
it happened often...
i'm just some weak shiet...
life is shiet...
feel like dying now...
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 7:27:00 pm__
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Friday, July 14, 2006
I'm going insane...
I'm some crying shiet...
I can cry for no rhyme or reason...
I can't take it anymore...
I'm breaking apart soon...
very soon...
why is it that i feel so danm useless...
what have i done to make 'someone' avoid me...
am i losing friends?
am i losing moi loved ones?
i do not know...
i no longer know anything...
i feel so confused...
i feel so helpless...
what is becoming of me...
why am i like this...
i feel weak...
recently b4 i got home...
i would cry non stop...
ytd i went out on a movie with Maki (moi darling)...
then when we parted to go home...
i feel damn sad...
because if i am not living with him any longer...
tt means i can't see him often...
he's too absorbed in the games...
but i dunno why i cried so much...
still makes no sense to me...
and i needa say thank you to renewbie...
i called him ytd while he was in a dota match...
and i just kept on crying and crying...
i couldn't stop...
really thanks renewbie...
i'm sad case-ed...
what is life...
is life meant to be tt way?
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 9:36:00 am__
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

check this out~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 3:34:00 pm__
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